Elizabeth Hurley, whose only apparent talents are shagging the right rising star, then getting herself knocked-up by a priapistic billionaire playboy and ingratiating herself inextricably and lucratively to Esteé Lauder, Versace, Elton John, and Chopard, has made a charming statement regarding the exhausting nature of non-celebrities:
"All I know is, I want my wedding to be a very, very private affair. I don't want anything to take place in public where it feels like a movie premiere."
It's very interesting that she would not want her wedding to feel like a movie premiere, since she can evidently only befriend fellow celebrities because in her very own words,
"In the end, famous people only ever end up hanging out with other famous people or in private places because it's just too exhausting to be stared at and bothered the whole time."
Boo hoo.
What I find particularly exhausting is Chopard's love affair with this insufferable bitch.
Can't they find someone nicer who can keep her big mouth shut and simply smile pretty for the camera?
I would totally keep my yap screwed up tight if it meant I got to wear those Chopard earrings and pendant. I could probably even do it for a whole six hours, the average length of a movie premiere and after-party. And I'm not even that nice. Just less imbued with a misguided sense of entitlement and generally known to live amongst the little people and fit in quite comfortably.