Quite obviously, everyone here at the Bling Blog was ecstatic with Uli's and
Einstein's victory. The dress was (minus the little jacket) was absolute perfection from pattern, to cut, to fit, to mélange of prints.
In short, it was beautiful. And what I liked, too, was the look on her face because she knew she'd nailed it. She had such a gleeful expression.
And Uli's adoration of her little cuddle-umpkins, the curiously-named Einstein, was very endearing as well.
Does anyone recall Einstein's obsequiousness when he buried his mug in her cleavage on the work table?
Classic Pug move.
Even Nixon and Linus, as proud of their puggishness as they are, scoffed a bit at the irony of naming a Pug after, well, a genius. Pugs are known for many things. Genius is not one of them.
Parading about in a glossy, giraffe-print get-up that says "Hey Ladies?"
Yes, most definitely. If you have a Pug, you would concur. If you have ever met a Pug, ditto. One of our Pugs? No doubt.
Even better, one that would've said, "Hey Ladies, Where's The Cheese?" I think we might even have one of those around here. Um, not really.
Katherine? As for the aufing of Katherine? Whatever. Should've listened to Uncle Tim. Green is my favorite color and she managed to make it look insipid. The dog looked cuter than the model.
Angela? I'm actually curious to see what sort of garishly creepy crap Angela will come up with next week. Seriously? That "English kindergarten teacher in Paris" was inspired. Inspired by illicit substances procured from her solar-powered homegrown organic off-the-grid farm in O-high-o. But yeah, inspired. Crikey.
Michael? Wow! The top of that tweedy dress was beautifully constructed, no? Can they please pay some more attention to him? I would like to have seen more of the work that went into that. Perhaps the editing is such that they're going to surprise us (!) with him later this season. Idiots.
Laura? Wow again! Mongolian lamb, good stuff... As much as she hated that little dog, she rose to the occasion, which did not surprise me in the least. I wonder if at some point she will get challenged by Tim or the judges to move out of her trés elegant comfort zone. Oh, definitely she will be.
Kayne? Liked the Missoni stuff, but not the printed patent leather. Kind of garish. But the Missoni prints, yummy.
Keith? He needs to have an unfortunate accident. On purpose. He's like benzene in the water. He could've made spats or little red boots for that cool dog and won. Instead he had to be a piss ant.
Vincent? What's with the chapeaux all the time? I would've been rolling down the runway trying to get that off of my head, too. And the leggings? What was that?
Bradley? Smoking what Angela is smoking. And if that could be in Elle Magazine, Nina, I shall not buy Elle Magazine. It looked like a glazed Stay-Puft doughnut.
Robert? Nicely done, as usual. Chanel doggie? Yawn.
Jeffrey? Surprisingly not post-Apocalyptic! Some actual construction. Hmmm... is there talent there? Gasp! He actually looked sort of giddy sitting there watching his work on the runway. The bad man likes the little doggies! Maybe not a sociopath after all...
Alison? Poor thing, she really though she'd win, didn't she? Not as good as Uli, though. But formidable. Were they throwing little visual daggers at one another? The hair on the model was awful, if seen on the street, but perfect for the poodle ensemble. I mean, really perfect. She had the whole ensemble pulled together. And she's so chipper.
Bonnie? Is she still there? Which one is she?
(photos from Bravo)